Monday, November 23, 2009

A plea to Congress

The current health care bill before the Senate is a prime example of why our legislative process is corrupted and broken.  It appears that Sen. Mary Landrieu did not support the bill until extorting $300M from the Democratic leadership.  Every Senator, regardless of party, has a moral obligation to reject this bill solely based upon this blatant selling of votes.  This is a perfect example of the root cause of the problems in our legislative process.  Sen. Landrieu may have secured a few dollars for her state but at price of our nation?  Individual legislators earmark bills with pet projects with utter disregard of the impact upon our nation as a whole.  Our bankrupt nation is on the verge of economic collapse and the spending continues with no concern beyond state borders or the next election cycle.  The average citizen is willing to do their part but Congress has do do theirs by cutting spending to reduce our deficit.

Concerned Citizen

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